
Python Programming Session 1

 We will be using Python utilizing OOP (object oriented programming) concept. For our bot we will create class for DriveBase movestraight() linefollow() Turns() Attachment Moveup() movedown() tiltforward() tiltbackward() Bot : This will create above two objects in its constructor. runs 1-n

Bot Design Brainstorming Session 1

 Watch youtube trailer for next season in slow motion to get an idea of what type of attachments will be needed for next season.  We think it will be great to design a new bot specifically for this season rather than using our bot from last season for couple of reasons 1) Last year bot was bulking and had hard time moving it within narrow spaces. 2) Attachments were bulky to move around the board. So this year we think we will have attachment prebuilt into the bot and try to accomplish most of the mission with one single attachment.  After viewing the video we felt that we need linear actuator to move up and down and tilt motion of forward and backward to accomplish most of the task. Mission requiring pushing or pulling can be accomplished by the bot itself.  We may need a collector attactment to gather all the energy canisters spread across the board.  Last year bot was moving slow, so this year we are planning to use the big Wheels to move faster on mat. Major change this year for us

Project Brainstorming Session 1

We saw the trailer for the next season and anticipated that this years theme is around renewable energy and we thought of giving ourselves a head start on project and started brainstorming on ideas. Today we looked at the video by Prof Carla Ramsdell and learned different types of solar cooker and their advantages and disadvantages. Solar Cooker: Advantages   Disadvantages Everything seems to be instant in this modern-day era and we disdain the thought of having to wait a couple of minutes before we get what we want. We want same-day delivery from merchants. We want to stream movies and TV series the moment they're out. We want our download speeds faster. It needs sunlight so it cannot cook at night Cannot set temperature to a specific number No automatic off switch to stop cooking after specific time or temperature . Temperature does not distribute uniformly. Inconsistent temperature if the sunlight gets obstructed. Moisture gets trapped under